What are we doing with all that we create? Lately I have been thinking more about my legacy: what gets passed down, what stories are shared. This past weekend while I was at the Kentucky Craft Market selling my
shibori dyed and FeltOOM
felted wearables, I attend a KCHEA workshop.
On Pondering My Creative Legacy
Create that which comes from nothing
from deep within
that which you have made manifest
and shared
thus the beginning of your legacy
that which you will pass down
the past in your present
which will become your children’s
all children’s
inheritance, heritage
the history/herstory which they will cull from
dig into, rummage through,
to gain insight of where they came from
in order to begin their journey
draw their map
carry on your wisdom
put it into their own experiences
in order for their personal wisdom
to sift and filter into materials they will gather
and create from
to begin the creation of their own legacy claim.
In order to know and better understand our creative legacy
we must know why we create in the first place
for whom we are creating
this why can be uncovered in our stories
the stories we remember from the first time we shared
the first letter we received
the first poem we wrote
our earliest autobiography
perhaps from an elementary school assignment
our first interview,
our first biography
If these were not saved begin a legacy recall writing
where the memories of
past creations will be uncovered and collected
In your early legacy recall writing notebook start with your earliest
memories of the things your created
If you have a box of memories gather together the pieces
most related to your creative self, accomplishments, spiritually, academically
and professionally (March 11,